Established in 1955, we have dedicated over 60 years to produce professional stage Followspots. Our continuous innovation and research have made us a preferred choice for commercial theaters, civic halls, and public facilities in Japan and worldwide. To date, we have crafted over 16,000 Followspots, delivering exceptional lighting solutions to our clients.
1955Starting Point
Manufacturing Followspots since the carbon-arc era.
1964First in the world to achieve horizontal short -arc xenon lamp.
First in the world to achieve and commercialize a horizontal short -arc xenon lamp.
1970Xenosolar-100S Series
1973Xenosolar-2000S Series
1982XPS series launched.
Began and launched mass production of the XPS series. Developed the COLOR ARC brand for international markets.
1992Limelight brand for the UK market
Established the Limelight brand for the UK market (San-ei Electric's proprietary sales brand).
1993XPS - Best Selling
Our best selling models have been exclusively marketed under the Xenonspot brand since 2007.
20084000W Followspot
international market was extensively used during the 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2010 Shanghai Expo.
2017~至今XB Series
In response to market demand, we introduced the classic black model.